Theo's Loading Doses for FMT were done on July 16th and 17th. So today marks 10 weeks from the Fecal Matter Transplant Procedure.
What a week it has been. We feel beyond blessed. There is so much to tell everyone here.
I will start by thanking my big sister and the Sentinel Football program out of Herriman, Utah. Their Gremlin A team played in honor of Theo on Saturday. They invited Theo out on Friday night and asked us to tell them a little bit about him. I told them that Theo has been diagnosed with Autism and PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Streptococcal infection). Autism rates have sky rocketed over the last 50 years. I told them that more and more kids are being diagnosed with Autism. Each kid is very different. They each have their own personality and their own differences. Theo is very sweet and affectionate and he loves to give loves. We have learned as a family to celebrate every small accomplishment.
For example, this week I played catch with my son for the first time. Angela and I were lying on the couch relaxing watching a tv show while Theo was playing with a ball. He was squeezing it. I told Theo to throw it to me and he did. It kind of shocked me, so I tossed it back and he caught it. We tossed it back and forth a few more times and I was so stoked. I turned to Angela and said "I didn't think I would ever be able to play catch with my son." On Saturday Theo played catch with one of the dad's at the game and one of our newest favorite people Evan Allen. Evan is a younger brother to one of the players on the Sentinel football team. Evan has Cystic Fibrosis and his mom Stacy Allen set up this 12th man program. Every week they play for another kid that has special needs or disabilities. You can follow their story on Instagram @evans_entourage and @stacyallen87. Stacy buys gifts and items every week for all of the players and the special family to raise awareness and help people to understand the illness or disease a little better. Stacy said: "We just want the kids to identify and understand illnesses a little better, so when they hear Autism.. they can think, oh, like Theo."
This meant so much to me personally because a lot of times people don't know how to interact with Theo and our family. Sometimes they don't know if it is ok to approach him and ask for five or bones, or to try to pick him up or tickle him. It is awkward to ask these type of questions but I truly appreciate when people are considerate enough to even make an attempt.
I have to tell another story about this special Football Saturday for my family. At halftime the Sentinels are accustomed to come out of their halftime talk and run through streamers and their sign to get amped up for the second half. The team asked Theo to lead them out onto the field. So our new friend Evan and I took his hands and ran with him and the team. It was pretty funny because the boys were anxious to run faster but our buddy Evan yelled at the players and told them not to pass Theo.
Once Theo and the players crashed through the streamers and the sign, the players and parents all celebrated Theo. They cheered for him like he had just scored a touchdown. All the players came and gave him high fives and bones. One mom was incredible. She ran up to him like he had just scored the winning touchdown shouting and celebrating him in her full Polynesian Passion. I will forever remember this moment. Every kid in the world deserves to be celebrated at least once in their life like that.
We know FMT is working for our family. We want the world to know it.
This week was not void of challenges. We found out Theo had a kidney infection and the doctors at the clinic prescribed antibiotics. However, antibiotics destroy the good gut bacteria, so we researched all of the holistic natural medicine ways of healing his kidney infection. We gave him lots of Vitamin C, Coconut Water, Cranberry juice and other natural remedies. Theo is happy and healthy and we just had his urine tested yesterday and we will know more in a few days.
When you invest a lot of time and energy into this Fecal Matter Transplant, you don't want to throw it all out the window with antibiotics.
In the video below:
Video of Evan and Theo Playing Catch
Video of Theo playing Catch with Cody one of the Dad's
Also, last Thursday night we went to a wedding and Theo danced with me for the first time.
#guthealth #autismrecovery #FMT #fecalmicrobiotatransplant #morethansport #functionalmedicine #gutrestore #gutrecovery